Message To Our Readers


Today we launch the first edition of The Denison Free Press. We are humbled by the words of encouragement we have received from so many of you about this endeavor.

We are long-time journalists and residents of Crawford County. Our mission is simple: we want Crawford County readers to receive accurate and up-to-date local news reporting — and that is what we are about, local news -- stories on your friends and neighbors, what is happening in the county's schools, its city councils.

The Denison Free Press will be on farms and in small businesses telling stories of successes and challenges.

We are your paper. This is our county. We will cover it without fear or favor. Mostly, we will celebrate the county, but there are times when we will report the hard truths. That's what a newspaper does.

Community newspapers have been shattered over the last decade by a constellation of forces, most notably social media companies, which operate as "platforms," meaning, quite simply, that they are not responsible for the content users put in places like Facebook in the way that newspapers are.

We will stand behind every word in this newspaper — and we will own our mistakes, admit them and correct them. You know us, you can find us.

We need your help to keep this project going. First, give us your story ideas. Know of something interesting or important happening? Let us know.

And then, please, support The Denison Free Press by advertising in it.

That is the best way to sustain this newspaper, to keep it alive and thriving, elevating the voices of Crawford County.

Yes, we write the stories, take the photos, but this is your paper, the chronicling of our lives here in Crawford County. We will never forget that essential truth.



DAN MUNDT, Co-Editor


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