New public works director joining city staff


Rod Olson was hired as the new director of public works for the City of Denison last week Tuesday.

He will fill that position on January 29, but as of last week Tuesday he became a seasonal worker for the public works department.

Olson is a highway tech assistant with the Department of Transportation (DOT) office in Denison, and before that was a senior equipment operator with the DOT.

“He wanted to give a 30-day notice to the DOT but wanted to be able to help with snow removal right away,” said City Clerk Jodie Flaherty.

His wage as a seasonal public works employee is $21.80 per hour. As the director of public works his salary will be $79,800.

The City of Denison has been without a director of public works officially since November 29, with the resignation of Eric Martens.

The city has also been without a street commissioner since November 6 with the resignation of Mike Vogt.

The street commissioner position will not be filled. Instead, the city decided to hire a full-time maintenance worker.


Antonio Trevino was hired as Maintenance Worker II at the December 19 city council meeting. He started his job on December 21, at a wage of $24.16 per hour.

The city filled other vacancies in the public works department at the December 19 meeting.

Derrick Janssen was hired as Maintenance Worker 1, at an hourly wage of $21.80, effective December 26, and Dean Thomsen was hired as a seasonal public works employee, at an hourly wage of $21.80, effective December 19.


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