Students surprise outgoing administrators


Denison Superintendent Mike Pardun (left) and District Business Manager Scott Larson stroll down one of the halls at Denison Middle School to receive cards made by the students. Both are retiring on June 30 after long careers with the school district. Photos by Lorena López Altamirano


Denison Community School Superintendent Mike Pardun and the district's business manager, Scott Larson, were surprised by all middle school students on Wednesday. They lined up in the hallways to say goodbye with applause, hugs and cards.

Both are retiring at the end of the current fiscal year on June 30.

Pardun is serving his 20th year as superintendent and is in his 35th year in education.

Larson is in his 36th year in education and is in his 16th year as business manager.

Pardun and Larson were shocked by the gesture of the students and teachers. 


Scott Larson and Mike Pardun applaud the Denison Middle School band that performed in their honor.


“It is very touching to be honored like this, and certainly I will miss all the people, and this is one of the reasons … they are a very special people. I’m always going to keep in my memories the families, the students, the staff members, and the community in general,” said Pardun.

Larson was also excited by the surprise.

"I graduated from this school more than 40 years ago, and I feel honored to not only have been a student but also to have worked for the district,” he said.


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