Denison postal carriers to collect food for TAP


On Saturday, May 11, Denison U.S. Postal Service letter carriers will be collecting food for the Temporary Aid Program (TAP).

Rural and city letter carriers will pick up non-perishable food or paper items left by patrons’ mailboxes or mail slots.

Examples of foods needed are canned meats, canned soups, juices, vegetables, cereals, rice, noodles, ketchup, flour and sugar.

Do not include items that have expired or items that are in glass containers.

“Stamp Out Hunger” is again the theme of this year’s drive. Food pantries like TAP usually run low on supplies this time of year. Patrons are invited to join the letter carriers and TAP in the fight to end hunger by participating in the annual “Stamp Out Hunger” drive.

To participate, leave the non-perishable donation in a bag near the mailbox on Saturday, May 11, and the letter carriers will do the rest. In addition to the four city carriers, Denison’s four rural route carriers will also pick up donations.

At the end of the working day on May 11, carriers will get a total weight of the collection and make a delivery to TAP.

Since launching in 1993, the National Association of Letter Carriers’ annual “Stamp Out Hunger” food drive has grown into the nation’s largest one-day food drive, helping to fill the shelves of food banks in cities and towns throughout the United States.

Postcards will be delivered to all postal patrons on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday before the Saturday, May 11, food drive.


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