Grandparents Day at Unity Ridge


Grandparents went back to school last week Wednesday for Grandparents Day at Unity Ridge Lutheran School in Denison. Grandparents and grandchildren completed a number of activities throughout the building. Pictured, Dennis Hall, of Logan, completes a worksheet about grandfathers with his grandson, Alex Hall, of Ricketts.  Photos by Gordon Wolf


Brooklyn Fink uses wooden beads to make an Indian corn craft. Grandparents Terri Groth and Ronald Fink watch her.


Jack, Luna and Khairo Vazquez, all of Denison, pose for a picture at Grandparents Day. Jack is the uncle of the two children, despite the message on the sign he is holding.


Unity Ridge students gathered at the end of Grandparents Day at their school to sing a song before being dismissed early last week Wednesday.


Three children from the Boeck family – Adeisia, Azariah and Adalai – work on pictures and notes for veterans. With them are their grandparents, Larry and Annette Boeck.


Flag folding demonstrations were done for groups of students and their grandparents.


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